
Stalled projects: Involving the mediation of the Republic will allow a better support of industrialists’ concerns

The Minister of Industry, Ahmed Zeghdar, confirmed, today, Monday in Algiers, that the involvement of the mediation of the Republic in taking care of the concerns of industrialists whose projects have been disrupted will raise the level of follow-up on the files, noting that the joint work between the two parties will “activate the continuation of efforts aimed at lifting restrictions and obstacles on frozen investment projects.”

In his speech during a coordination meeting with the mediator of the Republic, Brahim Mourad, Zeghidar explained that this meeting falls within the instructions of the President of the Republic, during the last cabinet, “which raised the level of follow-up in taking care of the concerns of industrialists whose projects were disrupted,” mentioning the need to take urgent measures to revive the national economy by making investment “one of the most important drivers of the national economy.”

The minister also stressed the importance of taking care of what the Ministry of Industry had initiated in handling the files of requests to benefit from the advantages stipulated in the investment law submitted by investors at the level of the National Agency for Investment Development.

More than 1,500 frozen applications waiting to be examined

The Minister also explained that this file was taken care of in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice in order to speed up the processing of the large number of requests to benefit from the advantages of the Investment Law, which were under study, as more than 1,500 frozen applications were counted awaiting their processing, by the services of the Ministry of Industry and those of the Ministry of Justice to determine requests that cannot be removed for reservations for procedural reasons, and requests that have been removed for reservations because they meet the required conditions.

During the cabinet meeting held on November 21, the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, assigned the mediator of the republic to “take care of the concerns of industrialists whose projects were disrupted due to bureaucratic backgrounds dating back to the remnants of the management of the previous period.”

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