
63rd Anniversary of Interim Government formation: The establishment of the government is a “qualitative” leap in the course of the revolution’s development

Participants in a symposium commemorating the 63rd anniversary of the formation of the interim government of the Algerian Republic, considered that the formation of this government is a “qualitative leap” in the course of the development of the liberation revolution and people’s struggle for independence.

The Director of the National Center for Studies and Research in the National Movement and the First November Revolution, Djamel Eddine Miadi, described the formation of the interim government as a “historic milestone and a qualitative leap” in the course of the development of the liberation revolution, given what this government did at its inception, pointing out that “the great effort of the members of this government allowed the whole world to get to know the Algerian cause closely, and thus win friends and supporters.”

The Director of Historical and Cultural Heritage at the Ministry of Mujahidin and Rights holders, Mohamed Yahy, called on the Algerian youth to “unite, work and follow the predecessors for the sake of Algeria’s pride and prosperity.”

The symposium, which was attended by Mujahidin or war veterans, historical figures, professors and students, was marked by an intervention that included a reading in the historical context of the formation of the interim government and its consequences for the professor of modern and contemporary history, Hocine Abdel Sattar, who stressed that recalling the famous heroism and distinguished positions of the men of the revolution is an “important matter,” but it should – as he put it- be like immortal exploits, solid values, a recommendation that still exists, and a solid charter that we must rely on to overcome the problems of the present and the challenges of the future.

For his part, the professor of political science and international relations, Mohamed Rezzig, reviewed the course of forming the interim government of the Algerian Republic and the battle for independence that its members led through media and diplomatic work, which was not limited to responding to the statements of the French administration, but went beyond, to an effort to internationalize the Algerian cause as a fair and self-determination cause and gain international support.

The interim government was established in implementation of the decisions of the National Council of the Revolution taken at its meeting held in Cairo between August 20 and 27, 1957, when it was officially announced on September 19 of the following year.

The interim government, which consisted of three formations from 1958 to 1962 headed by Ferhat Abbas and then Ben Youssef Ben Khadda, imposed its presence as the legitimate representative of the Algerian people in the Evian negotiations that resulted in the signing of the ceasefire agreement on March 19, 1962, and then independence.

An exhibition of historical books published by the Ministry of Mujahidin and rights holders, was organized, on the sidelines of this symposium.

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